Gospel & Grind
It's been a long time coming. Over the last few years my husband and I have dreamed of having our own thing. Countless nights you could find us laying in bed tossing ideas around and wondering when the right time would be. Truth be told, there's never an "ideal" time to start a business-- So, if you're waiting for the perfect time, chances are you'll never do it. We're taking the leap, it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time.
My husband has always felt torn between two careers: ministry and food. Two pretty different industries that don't necessarily go together. However, around six months ago we started to watch the two organically mix in "our" plans. I can't begin to tell you guys how much we've prayed about this. Literally, we are in constant prayer for wisdom. God has blessed us beyond measure and I like to think that our little business plan, is a small part of his master plan.
So, with all of that said, I'm so excited to tell you a little bit about Gospel & Grind. Gospel & Grind is a ministry and a food truck all rolled into one. Naturally, the word grind represents the most awesome coffee you'll ever taste (and I mean that). We've already partnered with our favorite coffee company (you can't get it locally) to bring our 417landers something new and delicious. If you're a coffee snob, you're gonna love us!
There will be food. We aren't going into detail about this yet- but, I can promise you it's something new, a little crazy, and fun.
Did I mention that we look a little different than your average ol' food truck? We're currently restoring a 1972 Shasta camper into a fully functional food and drink operation. She's a beauty and we think you'll fall in love. We're currently prepping for DEMO DAY! If you're not already following me on Instagram, do it! I'll be posting tons of video and remodel updates on the "gram" (isn't that what all of the kids say)?
We're a ministry. Gospel means good news! While this is another topic that is somewhat of a surprise, we will be consistently benefitting our community. It's going to be so much fun and we're VERY excited to give back to the Ozarks.
We have no clue what we're doing as far as this remodel goes- if you're a pro and you want to help out shoot me an email! Otherwise, if you need me I'll be watching YouTube videos with a confused expression on my face.
We are already so grateful to everyone who has encouraged us and taken an interest in what we're doing. We covet your prayers as we move forward and we can't wait to share all of the fun surprises we have in store. Stay tuned!
The official logo!
Our first look at the new Gospel & Grind digs!